Cartagena Information


  • Wear sunscreen -The sun here is intense so you can burn easily. Make sure to reapply sunscreen every hour if you are doing outdoor activities.

  • Drink water - It's humid here so you will sweat more and could become dehydrated. Keep a water bottle filled with you at all times.

  • Beach - Tents at the beach should cost approx. 20 mil pesos for the day. Always verify how much food, drinks, etc. cost before you order them.

  • InDriver Cartagena - InDriver is inexpensive, safe, and very easy to use. Using this app, you don’t have to negotiate prices with taxis.

  • Taxi - If you are going to take a taxi, always negotiate the fare before you get in. The fare for Bocagrande-Centro is $7.400 pesos. Taxi Fees 2021

Malls and Stores

1. Centro Comercial Plaza Bocagrande

Address: Av. Malecón - Cra. 1 #12-120, Cartagena, Bolívar

  • Gym

  • Cinema

  • Clothing and Shoe Shops

  • Barbershops and beauty center

  • Perfumeries

  • Food court

  • Optics/ Glasses

  • Suitcases

  • Money Exchange

  • Jewelry Stores

2. La Serrezuela

Address: El Centro, Cra. 11 ## 39-21

  • Coffee Shops

  • Food court, Restaurants, such as: Andrés Carne de Res

  • Clothing and Shoe Shops

  • Makeup stores

  • Bars and Café


We want to share some restaurant recommendations. Cartagena has a wide selection of restaurants and options for you to choose from.


Recommendations by Cartagena Lure Magazine

Boating and Scuba Diving

  • Boating Cartagena

  • Cartagena Divers

  • Blue Planet - They have a dive shop on Isla Grande, at Cocoliso Resort, in the Rosario Islands

  • Dive Planet in Centro - Andres and Beatriz are the owners

Surf, Kitesurfing, Paddleboarding

  • Hostal Las Velas (Laguito in front of the CAI)

  • Guacamaya, run by Roan (La Boquilla)

  • Hotel Las Americas (Zona Norte)

  • Karib-Kayak & Paddle center: Castillogrande In front of the hospital, Orange tent.


  • It’s safe to run if you want. We recommend going very early in the morning or in the afternoon in areas such as: Castillogrande Bay, Centro, around Bocagrande.

  • If you want to run on the beach, go early because in the afternoon there are more tourists and you will not have enough space to run.